Sunday, August 7, 2011

happy birthday cartoon

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 11, 11:32 PM
    i don't see a single pci express 16 x slot on any of the dell poweredge servers, what site are you looking at?

    even intel's reference 5000 series motherboards for woodcrest lacks 16x pci express.

    will be interesting to see.

    Why are you looking at servers? that would be XServe. We're talking workstations here. Go to Dell's Precision workstation series for the medium&large businesses.

    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • sjo
    Aug 29, 12:48 PM
    As a Norwegian I can say that Apple has way more credibility than Greenpeace over here. We have seen what they are all about. Greenpeace is a bunch of spoiled city kids that has no idea what nature is.

    Yeah, cause you just HAVE to hunt whales and eat whalemeat in Norway in order to survive, such a poor country with poor people. How dare Greenpeace oppose your ancient way of life?

    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • Salacion
    Apr 20, 06:57 PM
    Yeah! My battery lasts for upwards of two days. Definitely not comparable at all to an iPhone.

    Inferior interface is subjective, and you've given no reference so that comment is irrelevant.

    Name me one app that you have on your iPhone that doesn't have a similar if not identical app on the Android Market.

    No, it's not comparable to the iPhone.

    Interface: harsh colors, sharp geometrics, poor graphical enhancements, Windows-esque aesthetics.

    About that last one. There might be an Android app with identical functionality to an iPhone app, but it's how that functionality is presented to you that makes the difference. See, the App Store has quality control.

    happy birthday cartoon. Dancing Pig - Happy Birthday
  • Dancing Pig - Happy Birthday

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 22, 09:26 PM
    OP, to back up your hypothesis we would need real percentages of atheists in the MacRumors community and the community at large.

    Perhaps the anonymity afforded one on the internets affects how one answers (just like the 16 year old hottie is actually a 45 year old cop).
    Perhaps education/enlightenment, long considered the anathema of religion, is at play.
    Perhaps a younger demographic here is a factor.

    But first, is there a higher percentage of atheists here?

    What community at large are you referring to? The world? Some Americans may not be taking the international makeup of MR into consideration.

    happy birthday cartoon. Related topics: happy birthday
  • Related topics: happy birthday

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 07:36 PM
    so you admit that freedom of conscience is prohibited in Islam and that people who leave their Islamic religion should be sentenced to death? Or are you saying blasphemers should be punished?

    In the West we would tolerate the Ahmadiyya, not persecute them. Would Muslims in the West disobey our tolerance of the Ahmadiyya because it contravenes Sharia law?

    You are confusing yourself in a convoluted mess you've created. In fact, you are twisting everything to suit what you want.

    There are standards and by that, certain pillars which must be recognised for someone to be regarded as a Muslim.

    Put simply, if you break one of them, then you are not a Muslim.

    I trust that this is simple enough for you to understand, and not talk about freedom? I feel as if you've been infringed by something in your childhood.

    happy birthday cartoon. for searchquot;happy birthday
  • for searchquot;happy birthday

  • alent1234
    Aug 26, 07:35 AM
    my wife used to complain about dropped calls and poor signal at a military base in Long Island. i see a few dead zones once in a while in NYC. in laws have dumb phones on AT&T and never complain. my wife and I moved them from Verizon to get on a family plan

    happy birthday cartoon. funny happy birthday gifts
  • funny happy birthday gifts

  • fat phil
    Apr 13, 08:45 AM
    Having the tools doesn't mean you know how to use them - but with more people having the tools thinking they do - the value of those that REALLY do can be affected if it appears that "anyone" can do it.

    That's a pretty common thread of thinking in the creative business. I mean, test tubes are pretty cheap but you don't get every tom dick and harry claiming to be biologists, right? :)

    Professionals don't have to worry, unless there's a hoard of untapped creative genius lurked out there.

    A poor editor will have a poor showreel. That'll never change. All that changes is the number of canned effects we have to look for to realise that they didn't do the clever stuff on their own... Damn those "do something clever" buttons!

    happy birthday cartoon. Happy Birthday Cartoon happy
  • Happy Birthday Cartoon happy

  • res1233
    May 2, 10:28 AM
    It is safer to run under an administrator account all the time in OS X than in Windows. On Windows, the administrator is almost the equivalent to the root account on *nixes and as such has unrestricted access to any and all files on the system.

    On OS X and other *nix systems, however, the administrator account still can't do all that much without entering the root password. Admin accounts can't touch anything in the System folder. About the worst malware can do, even under an admin account in OS X, is one of the following:

    1) Install itself in your user account Library folder
    2) Install itself in the system's secondary Library folder (/Library/)

    In both cases, the offending executables/libraries/whatever are easily removed - In the case of #1, create a new account and copy your old stuff over. In the case of #2, check the startup folder within, perhaps frameworks in some cases (though I have never seen malware that makes use of the OS X framework system) and delete the malware files. The files and folders contained in the Library folder are all nicely, neatly labeled and any malware should stick out like a sore thumb - it can't hide as something like EXPLORE32.EXE.

    Yep. This is what Unix security means. Tight permissions control. Permission checking needs to at some point become a background service though, because the way it is, if some badly written application with root access changes the permissions on a folder for whatever reason, it's possible for malware written to look for these permission problems to take advantage of it. But other than that, yes, there is no way to access files outside of /Library and /Users/[username] without permission.

    happy birthday cartoon. Happy Birthday Mac!
  • Happy Birthday Mac!

  • jlc1978
    Mar 18, 07:03 AM
    Some users received the above SMS message with a followup email explaining tethering and warning them that tethering will be enabled if they continue to use that feature.TiPb speculates ( on how they are detecting unauthorized tethering:

    Article Link: AT&T Cracking Down on Unauthorized Tethering (

    Hmm - that would be a change in your contract and might just allow you to get out of it with no termination fee - just as any the change would. Unless hay could prove you violated the TOS they can't unilaterally change it and force you to accept it; especially when they change the price.

    happy birthday cartoon. cake with Happy Birthday
  • cake with Happy Birthday

  • J71
    May 2, 12:20 PM
    If this is safari specific, it shouldn't be that big. How many people *really* use it?

    Use Safari? Just long enough to download Firefox! ;)

    happy birthday cartoon. the words quot;Happy birthdayquot;
  • the words quot;Happy birthdayquot;

  • jamesbjenkins
    May 12, 11:14 AM
    The ONLY reason I'm ATT is the iPhone. I get dropped calls all the time, billing issues out the yin-yang, terrible customer service who I can't even understand 75% of the time.......the list goes on.

    I know it's not only ATT, but the notion that I have to pay an additional $20/month for SMS when I already pay those *$%&#^%s $30/month for "unlimited" data. WTF about it is unlimited if I can't send text messages (read: data) as part of the package. It's legalized robbery. I wish the other major carriers would follow Sprint's lead of the $69/month truly unlimited plan.

    I wish I could do something worse than just leave crap in a UPS box and ship it to their home office.

    I swear I will leave ATT the very instant the iPhone becomes available on Verizon or Sprint. I'd really prefer Sprint, but Verizon will do.

    ATT has been riding the iPhone train for almost 3 years, knowing that people will put up with their crappy service and other misc BS because they want the iPhone bad enough. It just makes me sick. I hope they go bankrupt when they lose the exclusivity on the iPhone. Booooo.

    happy birthday cartoon. Happy Birthday Tweety Bird
  • Happy Birthday Tweety Bird

  • mhdena
    Jul 10, 08:50 PM
    In my opinion AT&T is the worst service in the universe; Here in Boulder Colorado You have to carry 2 phones! my iphone through at&t and the one I actually can make calls on.:mad:

    The iphone has been the weakest phone on AT&T since it came out. You might as well carry an ipod touch and another phone to talk on if you have to have an apple device with you.:rolleyes:

    happy birthday cartoon. Death Metal cartoon 5 - search
  • Death Metal cartoon 5 - search

  • risc
    Sep 12, 03:44 PM
    An interesting device it sounds like the El Gato EyeHome. As long as it can play all normal video/audio formats (whatever you have QuickTime components for) and it has support for El Gato EyeTV I'll happily replace my XP MCE box with one.

    happy birthday cartoon. Happy Birthday
  • Happy Birthday

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:45 PM
    It's 'pro' editing for the masses but I'm sure many will keep their Adobe and AVID tools around for more orgranized productions.

    Hard to take anyone seriously as a professional who uses Adobe. Avid, sure, but the industry has moved to Final Cut Pro, at least the part of the industry I interface with.

    You calling this Final Cut a "toy" after it was just presented to a room full of professionals who loved it seems odd. Why the need to diminish it when it is clear that if you werent' there, there's much we don't yet know?

    happy birthday cartoon. Happy Birthday
  • Happy Birthday

  • Multimedia
    Nov 3, 06:02 AM
    OK to swerve this thread back on topic, what if Apple is planning to unleash a massive multi-core assault and fill that big middle gap in the lineup at the same time?
    Here's the theory;
    January Macworld Steve unveils the 8 core Mac Pro, no surprises there, shows off the massive power using Leopard demo's etc. Great for Pro's (like Multimedia and myself) but not much use to the average guy. Prices stay the same or even rise slightly, after all, we are talking 8 cores here. Previously you needed to spend $7-8k to get that kind of power. But what if the one more thing was a Kentsfield Mac Pro (using the C2Q6600), a i975 Mb with DDR2 ram, etc, etc . Sloting into that $1400-2000 zone? I dont see this competing with the iMac, esp. since you get a 24" screen with your $2000 iMac. It's just another choice. Use the same case, make it black or something, but you now have
    Mac Mini 2 cores
    iMac 2 cores + Widescreen display
    Mac Prosumer 4 cores + upgradeable
    Mac Pro 8 cores for ultimate power.

    Sounds good......:)I'm with you there. Not new that there is a small group here that can't understand why the Conroe card isn't being played yet. Kentsfield has got to be coming to a Mac Pro soon, iMacs next Spring and then Kentsfield's successor Bloomsfield in the 2008 iMacs later. Then in 2009 let's see 8-core Yorkfield in that year's iMacs please.

    happy birthday cartoon. Cartoon Birthday Cake | Happy
  • Cartoon Birthday Cake | Happy

  • ~loserman~
    Mar 20, 05:17 PM
    The trouble with DRM is that it often affects the average Joe consumer more than it hurts those it's intended to stop.

    CDs that don't play in a PC annoy Joe Public who buys a CD and wants to listen to it on his office PC while at work. The guy who planned on pirating it can easily get round the DRM and go on his merry way.

    DRM embedded in iTunes annoy Joe Public who burned a track onto his wedding video and now can't distribute it to the wedding guests without working out an authorise/deauthorise schedule.

    The record companies assume everyone is out to be a criminal while the 'criminals' don't bother buying DRMed files or strip out protection and do what they want so just as many files end up on P2P networks and on dodgy CDs on street corners.

    Therein lay the problem. Most people are using the music illegally.
    The record industry is right.
    In your own analogy of Joe Public burning a track on his wedding video.
    Guess what? when he distributes those copies to wedding guests he breaks the law.
    It's illegal for him to do that. It is stealing. He pirated it.
    The problem is we have become so used to stealing that we don't recognize it as such anymore. We justify it away.
    Almost no one would even consider it to be wrong if they bought a cd copied it and gave it to their friends. It is wrong. It's stealing/pirating.

    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • skunk
    Mar 26, 07:14 PM
    I guess I need a better dictionary

    Apologies for the horrible Latin, the only non-English language I am fluent in is Mandarin Chinese (specifically the Beijing dialect).Ego te absolvo, fili mi.

    Fili mi is the vocative of filius meus, in case you were wondering...

    happy birthday cartoon. Happy Birthday Jesus Happy
  • Happy Birthday Jesus Happy

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 12:59 PM
    The facts get distorted by deceptive TOS's from At&t and peoples own agendas.

    It's not deceptive. It's just that people don't read it until they want to prove/disprove something.

    People are more concerned with shortening their wait time/shopping experience online or in the store to get their hands on their devices more so than reading the terms and usage regarding those devices.

    But that's not deceptive. You're confusing deceptive with laziness

    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday animated
  • happy birthday animated

  • beaster
    Sep 12, 05:41 PM
    Nail on the head, imo.

    There's no reason they would've put component outs on it if it won't (eventually) do HD.

    I don't doubt the device will be capable of outputting HD resolution. But they still have 2 big problems to solve before they have me as a customer - bandwidth of the wireless network and content. Maybe they can solve (have solved?) the wireless bandwidth problem with a new wireless protocol or some really slick new compression technology - I sure hope so. But then they need HD content. Maybe that'll be a Blu-ray drive in the Mac. But HD downloads for feature-length movies? That's a lot of bits to move and store somewhere - will fill up a typical hard drive in no time. So you need a way to archive those movies - writeable Blu-ray maybe, or more hard drive space. My point is that there's still some kinks to work out to deliver HD content through this device to a TV. Until those problems are solved, I'll pass.


    Oct 12, 03:30 PM
    Wow I missed a lot by spending all of Friday away from this board. I am way behind in posts here, and I'm sure I'll miss a lot of things worth comment. But anyway, the code fragment:

    int x1,x2,x3;
    for (x1=1; x1<=20000; x1++) {
    for(x2=1; x2<=20000; x2++) {
    x3 = x1*x2;

    Is a very poor benchmark. Compilers may be able to really dig into that and make the resulting executable perform the calculate radically different. In fact, I can tell you the answer outright: x1=20000, x2=20000, x3 = 400000000. It took me 2 seconds or so. Does this mean that I am a better computer than a G4 and a P4? No, it means I realized that the loop can be reduced to simple data assignments. I have a better compiler, thats it.

    Anyway, lets pretend that for whatever reason compilers did not simplify that loop AT ALL. Note that this would be a stupid stupid compiler. At each stage, x1 is something, we ++x2, and we set x3 = x1 * x2. Now notice that we cannot set x3 until the result of X2++ is known. On a pipelined processor that cannot execute instructions out of order, this means that I have a big "bubble" in the pipeline as I wait for the new x2 before I can multiply. However, after the x3 is started into the pipe, the next instruction is just another x2++ which does not depend on x3, so I can do it immediately. On a 7-stage in-order chip like a G4, this means that I fill two stages of the pipe and then have to wait for the results on the other end before I can continue. You see that this is very inefficient (28% or so). However, the G3 is a 4-stage design and so 2/4 of the stages can stay busy, resulting in a 50% efficientcy (so a 700mhz G3 is "the same as" a 350mhz G3 at 100% and a 800mhz G4 is "the same as" a 210mhz G4 at 100%). These are of course simplified cases, the actual result may very a bit for some obscure reason.

    Actually the above stuff is inaccurate. The G3 sports 2 integer units AFAIK, so it can do x3 = x1*x2 at the same time as it is doing x2++ (for the next loop of course, not this one). This means that both pipes start one bit of work, then wait for it to get out the other end, then do one bit of work again. So this is 25% efficientcy. A hypothetical single-pipe G3 would do x3 = x1*x3 and then do x2++, however it could not do x3 = x1 * x2 again until the x2++ was out the other end, which takes 4 cycles and started one after the previos x3 = x1*x2, which should mean 3 "bubble" stages and an efficientcy of 20%.

    Actually, it may be worse than that. Remember that this is in a loop. The loop means a compare instruction (are we done yet?) followed by a jump depending on the results of the compare. We therefore have 4 instructions in PPC I think per loop, and we can't compare x2 to 20000 until x2++ has gone through all the pipe stages. (Oh no!) And we can't jump until we know r]the result of the compare (oh no!). Seeing the pattern? Wanna guess what the efficientcy is for a really stupid compiled version of this "benchmark"? A: really freaking low.

    I'll see about adding more thoughts later.

    Jul 12, 10:11 AM
    I'm wondering what the specifics about dropped calls in New York City would look like.
    On average I get about 3-4 dropped calls every day. Every. Single. Day.

    Why do you stay with ATT?

    Mar 18, 08:35 AM
    This thread just shows that there are plenty of people in the world who think in self-centric ways - "I don't agree with this and I won't follow it - contract be damned."

    Happens everyday - people speed on the highways because they feel that it's their car and they should be able to do whatever they want - they support their speeding by saying that studies show the speed limits are merely to provide revenue streams to municipal gov'ts.

    Re: Napster and Limewire ... just delete and replace with things like Demonoid and ThePirateBay and it's all still relevant. The fact that someone isn't aware of the newer piracy sites just means that they've probably steered torwards legitimate pay sites like the rest of the community.

    But hey, if we all played by the rules, I guess the U.K. flag would still be flying over our land as we would not have objected to the taxation without representation (whether the SS flag would have eventually superseded it is a different question - the might of this North American body would probably still have been sufficient regardless which flag, the Stars and Stripes or the Union Jack flew).

    happy day to all!

    [For the record, I think charging extra for tethering is unfair - but charging exorbitant rates for SMS is also unfair --- make that "was" also unfair, since there are plenty of cheaper methods now than using the carrier - hopefully the same will happen with tethering).

    Oct 7, 04:19 PM
    I emailed this to rob-art morgan on Saturday :

    I know the test was to find out how similarly clocked G4, Athlon and Pentium 4 chips perform but I was wondering if it was possible for you to test against the 2 fastest Intel and AMD chips ?

    The price of both a 2Ghz Pentium 4 and 1.6Ghz Athlon PC put's it in the same range as the entry level eMac and that's assuming the PC is built using high quality drives and components. This is true for the UK at least.

    I'd suggest the following systems, I don't know the details of motherboards or specific RAM configurations but going off cpu speed and the fastest availble RAM for the systems these 3 configurations would make for a fair "high end mac" vs "high end PC" comparison :

    Dual 1.25Ghz, stock HD, stock graphics card, 1Gb of 333Mhz DDR SDRAM, OS 10.2.1

    Athlon XP 2200+, 7200 rpm HD, same video card as the mac, 1Gb of 333Mhz DDR SDRAM, Windows XP Professional

    2.8Ghz Pentium 4, 7200 rpm HD, same video card as the mac, 1Gb of 533Mhz RDRAM, Windows XP Professional

    He responded with this :

    That's a great suggestion. I'll try to get that arranged.

    In the mean time, I'm working on a Pentium 4 2.53MHz + GeForce4 Ti 4600 versus G4 1.25GHz *2 + GeForce4 Ti (4600) comparo.

    I can just see the look of disappointment on everyone's faces when the dual 1.25Ghz mac is slapped silly by both windows systems at practically everything.

    Call me a pesimist but concidering how it's scrapped by when compared with lower end cpus I can see a thorough G4 thrashing coming up on barefeats very soon.

    Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 07:44 PM
    We need a way to record our own TV shows from our cable subscription.

    Is that legal? If it's not - even if it's blurry - Apple won't do it.

    Secondly, if Apple allows you to do that, then you wouldn't buy content from the iTS. That's not what Apple wants.


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