Sunday, August 7, 2011

hairstyles for medium straight hair

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  • Yakuza
    Apr 18, 07:51 AM
    Anyone to comment on the iPhone pics at

    what??? On this one you can change the battery? lol

    iiii don't know, hard to tell. even though it's a full assembled mobile, it just doesn't has that Apple touch!

    I like most of the first early photos

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  • definitive
    Apr 15, 03:51 PM
    why even bother posting these fake pictures?

    monochrome noise filter in photoshop, anyone?

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  • bryanc
    Oct 19, 02:39 PM
    Vista will definitely change the landscape, but what effect this will have on Apple's fortunes, and the popularity of OS X is difficult to predict.

    I think that there are a lot of people out there who are putting off upgrading until they see what this new landscape looks like. They've got systems in place that, while good enough for the time being, aren't great, and they'd like to see a significant improvement. These folks are running XP SP2 on two year old Dells or something like that... so they're looking to upgrade in the next 6 months, and they've heard a lot of good things about Apple and OS X and they're tempted, but they're going to wait and see how Vista turns out.

    If Vista is a dog, and gets a lot of bad media attention out of the gate (this will be exacerbated if Apple can release a Leopard that makes Vista pale in comparison), a lot of these upgraders-in-waiting are going to be pushed over the edge and will buy mac-minis or new mac laptops, knowing that they can fall back to Vista if OS X doesn't work out for them.

    If Vista is brilliant, and Leopard turns out to be just a minor upgrade of Tiger, most of these upgraders-in-wating will just buy another Dell like they always have.

    The most likely scenario is somewhere in the middle... Vista will get mixed reviews, but will be viewed a a very significant improvement over XP, and Leopard will be a significant improvement over Tiger, but will only have a few features that Vista lacks, and some of the upgraders-in-waiting will take the plunge, but the more conservative will stick with the devil-they-know. As a result, the number of OS X installs will continue to grow, but it won't break the crucial 10% market share that makes it a 'mainstream' OS.


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  • Simgar988
    Nov 11, 04:19 PM
    I'm a Nazi zomb expert (and I do mean expert) and let me say that they made it hard this time around. It seems to be made specifically for the cult players. If you couldn't get past lvl 15 in the last levels, you aren't grtting past 4-5 here.

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  • Lepton
    Sep 12, 08:00 AM
    I think part of this announcement has to do with Leopard. There is a phone and/or media center device in our futures, and of course it will be very tightly integrated with OSX. Part of why OSX new features are top secret is because it is intimately involved with what will be announced here. With this product out of the bag, they can finally spill some stuff they've been holding back about Leopard. I'd expect a new Leopard seed out soon.

    Note Leopard hasn't been sent to the general seeding developer community yet? They must have a build in the wings.

    Note not a word on changes in Leopard Front Row, iTunes, Finder? These things are in the wings.

    At showtime, things in the wings come out on stage.

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  • bigbossbmb
    Oct 20, 12:44 PM
    A lot of people have more than one mac...I've found that people with macs tend to hold on to them and find a use for the older machines when new ones are bought. Either using them as servers or hook em up to a TV, older macs tend to hang around.

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  • monaarts
    Mar 17, 12:04 PM
    And I'm also a Microsoft Fanboy!!! Haaaaaaa Long live the Microsoft Zune the ultimate iPod Killer!!!

    I thought you are "going back to the real world, while the debate in this thread continues."???

    On a side note, what do you do for a living? Seriously, not where you work but what do you do?

    - Joe

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  • Streffert
    Apr 12, 09:36 AM
    GF and I just switched. Ive had Tmobile for 11 years and the Iphone but I am sick of edge. Just got done JB and using mywi as we speak, alot faster!

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  • linux2mac
    Mar 24, 05:13 PM
    I finally switched to Mac at Snow Leopard and couldn't be happier. Looking forward to Lion!!

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  • aritana
    Sep 12, 08:22 AM
    Yerba Buena means Good Herb!!!

    today SJ will release the new iPot!!!:p

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  • steadysignal
    May 4, 10:08 AM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?

    +1 - correct. it should not matter but since the fear is there will be no bandwidth left after the geeks have their way, they support moves like this.

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  • lordonuthin
    Apr 29, 12:26 AM
    I keep on hearing these sick setups, I need photos now ;) Show me your f@h setup please :)

    Not much to look at but here is most of what I have. the left pic is: 3 AMD athlon x2 4400+ machines and 1 Phenom x4 9600. looks kinda scary huh! all running various versions of Ubuntu

    The right pic is an amd PhenomII x4 965 black with 3 gpu's running win7 (top box) and the lower one is an i7 920 with 3 gpu's running win7, again not much to look at but not quite so scary. only things missing are another x2 4400+ and my 09 Mac Pro octo core 2.66

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  • iMikeT
    Oct 19, 05:22 PM
    When one considers Dell's quality of their computers, why are they still #1?

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  • charliex5
    Apr 16, 01:15 AM
    Bad. I could do a rendering in Sketchup that would look more realistic than that.


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  • Eraserhead
    Apr 25, 04:23 PM
    I'd have thought some of the people at a branch of McDonalds would have to have some sort of security training...

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  • ct2k7
    Mar 11, 04:38 PM

    The industry is undergoing a massive paradigm-shift, thanks to Apple.

    I am not seeing a transition in the crucial paradigm. They're not slowing down on the desktop and notebook front. Sure, we might be moving towards a tablet computing form factor, but that already exists.

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  • DoFoT9
    Aug 11, 09:44 PM
    i was running around 90C. i've now taken it down to just 3.9 ghz. it's still up close to around 85C. i really don't feel like messing with water cooling on this system. maybe next time

    fair call, added power, costs, fuss etcetc. not worth it i guess

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  • AidenShaw
    Oct 4, 06:01 AM
    They might get laughed at but apple will be the ones laughing when their the first to debut santa rosa with 800mhz fsb and nand flash. Hopefully this is whats going to happen
    Apple won't be first, they'll either announce the same day as HP/Dell/Lenovo/Acer/Asus/... - or they'll announce later.

    With Yonah, Merom, Woodcrest and Conroe, the pattern has been "later".

    At some point the consumer experience is not appreciably improved by processor improvements. Except for media processing intensive applicatons, we are there.

    That alone ia an amazing statement for the Apple platform.

    Can any other platform say that or even promise that any time within 2 years?
    Windows and Linux are running on the same platform, and both have proven SMP capabilities far beyond what Apple is selling.

    Most of the quad and octo systems at IDF were running XP, W2K3, or Vista. None were running OSX.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 15, 06:06 PM
    Dude this is insane if its real. Yah think???

    I wasn't saying if it's real or not it's the fact that Gizmodo just did a huge prank and they listed a Keynote supposedly from Apple. Real or not Apple is very protective about information about themselves.

    Apr 10, 07:29 PM
    Not the OP but here ya go! (

    Awesome..wasn't aware of these guys.

    Aug 12, 04:06 PM
    The official reason for the price drop was to meet dell prices or get close to them. To what extent could Apple have dropped their display prices to come back a little later with a new model with new features (built-in iSight, better specs or any new crazy thing like an integrated coffee machine) that would justify more expencive models.

    I know it sounds crazy but it came to my mind and seemed quite possible after all.

    your opinion?

    May 5, 06:20 PM
    Guns are within my scope of practice (

    Couple this with the fact that the NRA has prevented any studies on guns and their impact on American society and I think we can all rest assured that we're heading towards a society ruled by the American Taliban. Heavy sarcasm intended.

    If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?

    Why? In the mind of the NRA:
    Step 1: Talk about guns.
    Step 10: Ban and confiscate guns.

    Therefore they resist even common sense initiatives supported by police such as gun fingerprinting.

    Apr 15, 09:30 PM
    Yes and Palm smartphones and Blackberries never existed before the iPhone.

    They were "called" smart phones. But the iphone defined the direction the iphones of the future would take.

    Oct 10, 07:15 PM
    I think Apple should keep the name "True Video iPod," just as a salute to all the rumor mongering.

    I'd laugh. (and then buy one)
    Do you think it's a coinkidink that the acronym for True Video iPod just so happens to be TVi? TVi, iTV, what's the difference.:p


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