Sunday, August 7, 2011

guy hairstyles gallery

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  • fluidedge
    Jan 14, 11:45 AM
    what the hell can you do with a 32 GB flash drive?

    The OS alone must take up 15GB leaving you with 15GB. 15GB. On a Macbook PRO. People actually do constructive work on these things. 15GB is about 10 photoshop files to some people. No music. No 'movies' nothing else can fit on 15GB. 15GB is about 1/5 the size of my itunes library.

    What is the fliping point of a 32GB flash drive in an Apple? I see absolutly no use in putting anything less than a 128GB flash drive in a professional class laptop. And thats not going to happen for a good 3 or 4 years yet.

    32GB flash drives would be perfect for the next gen Asus EEE PC though - just to store a bit of music and some documents and few apps.

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  • mozmac
    Oct 19, 11:38 AM
    Seriously...Gateway still sells computers? As I walk through campus I see: Dell, Dell, Mac, Dell, HP, Mac, Mac, HP, Dell...wait, what's that? Oh, one Gateway. Yeah, who buys Gateway computers anymore? I appreciate Apple passing them up soon.

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  • deannnnn
    Apr 5, 06:49 PM
    This app will be on the Top 25 list by tomorrow.

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  • appleforever
    Aug 7, 04:02 PM
    Sweet. $500 for the 20" with the edu discount??

    What school. I logged in under education and it is $649 for the 20".

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  • princealfie
    Apr 8, 01:56 PM
    I will be picking up an Asus EEE Transformer from Best Buy soon. That device looks mad deadly!

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  • Symtex
    Oct 20, 08:15 AM
    As long as Sony will use MPEG2 for their blu-ray release, they will fail. The first BD50 release was done last week (Click) and the PQ is still subpar compare to HD-DVD. THere is no excuse for such a poor release.

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  • rcandre2
    Jul 21, 03:20 PM
    If this is the case then everyone should be complaining to every single cell phone manufacturer and demand a recall from them too. I don't hear or see that, though.

    Oh you silly goose... that is because every other manufacturer's phones are not dropping calls... that is just one of the new things the iPhone is "changing again." It's funny because I've owned dozens and dozens of phones throughout the years including the iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS and never experienced this garbage...

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  • spjonesi
    Oct 10, 08:29 PM
    I'm sorry, but with the release of the "true video" iPod "imminent" for months now, I'm just not going to pay any attention whatsoever until I have one in my hands.

    Just like the iPhone, PowerBook G5 (and more recently, Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, although that release hasn't been "imminent" often enough yet,) etc.

    I'm starting to doubt page 1 rumors just as much as I doubt Page 2 rumors. Unless you (MacRumors, not the 'source' website of the rumor,) have credible, reliable, direct sources, it belongs on Page 2. If you don't have direct sources, (as rumors on other websites would be,) it does not belong on page 1. By your own standards.

    Just because it's getting a lot of talk, and Engadget claims their sources are good, is no reason to upgrade it to page 1 status. (Heck, the iWalk got a lot of talk back in the day, and SpyMac claimed their sources were good. That didn't make it true.)


    The quote, "G5 powerbooks on tuesday" comes to mind.


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  • Cyclotrode
    Apr 8, 01:20 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    I'm guessing that it's probably for an upcoming Reward Zone Member shopping event that they hold every so often. They usually do those events on Sundays after normal store hours.

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 23, 01:11 PM
    Well, ours is not much better. We just never get anything for it. At least the French do.

    Oh wait. Sorry- corporations and big oil have gotten quite a bit of money out of it.

    awwws are you jealous?

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  • Clive At Five
    Oct 19, 01:54 PM
    1) MacBook nano: 10.6" widescreen, metallic finish in nano colors, and thinner and more rounded than the current MacBooks (though the slimness will be limited by the optical drive, unless they get rid of an internal optical drive which I don't think Apple will do).

    This would be rockin', though who knows whether or not it'll happen.

    I think they could ditch the optical drive as long as they shipped with a 2GB (4 or 8 maybe *shrugs*) flash drive (which magnetically attached to the side of the compupter ;) ).

    Now THAT would be worth investing in, hehe.


    P.S. I think "MacBookMini" flows better... but Apple pretty much abandoned the well-flowing names with "MacBookPro" :rolleyes: .

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  • dsnort
    Aug 3, 12:29 PM
    I think that's the idea. The implication I got was that they were going to give Microsoft a generous stretch of rope and let them hang themselves.

    And so, my friends, we see why funny comic strips don't get published widely; instead, we have to live with pablum like "Family Circus" because if it gets any funnier than that, 90% of the population doesn't even come close to getting it.

    You're right, I missed that!!!:eek:

    (Gads, I have GOT to quit drinking while I cruise the forum!!:D )

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 15, 05:55 PM
    Dear Google:

    Apple *already* revolutionized the music industry.

    Try copying something of theirs that's a little less established.

    (and then just leave it in beta like you do with everything else.)


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  • chicagdan
    Nov 16, 12:35 PM
    Here we go folks.

    Just to put everybody's mind at ease. These are the guys who predicted the arrival of a G5 iBook in early 2005.

    They have never, ever been right.

    Not only are they always wrong, their rumors don't even make sense. AMD doesn't have a competitive notebook CPU and can't deliver in the scale Apple needs. These guys can't even fabricate a decent lie.

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  • DavidLeblond
    Sep 8, 11:28 AM
    While I do agree that he isn't a thug/gangsta rapper, which is a good thing, I still believe he is sending mixed messages. He is trying to portay himself as though he believes/follows Jesus, and yet is swearing......

    Do I believe in God? ******* yeah!!!

    Sounds kind of stupid to me........ Mixing God and swearing....

    I'll bet you money that when Jesus was doing his carpentry thang and hit his thumb with a hammer he didn't say "bless me, father" :P

    I'll bet G*d himself cusses up a storm when we keep screwing up his planet.

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  • WillEH
    Apr 27, 05:57 PM

    May I ask if you feel this feature has been useful so far. I really like the concept of a post rating. But I feel like this doesn't bring any real value to the MR community.



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  • donlphi
    Oct 4, 01:18 PM
    I heard this is all a rumor!!! (

    Coming as little surprise to veteran Apple watchers, IDG World Expo announced on Tuesday that Apple CEO Steve Jobs would deliver the opening keynote address ( at Macworld Expo San Francisco. The expo will be held at San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center from January 8-12, with the keynote on Tuesday January 9th at 9 am Pacific at Moscone West.

    Last year's keynote brought software updates including iLife ( and iWork ( 06 and Mac OS X 10.4.4 ( Also, the first Intel Macs were announced 6 months early in the form of the iMac ( and MacBook Pro (

    While still early, this year's expectations have already begun to gain steam, with obvious expectations of iLife ( and iWork ( updates as well as the formal launch of the "iTV". Also possible is Apple's long-awaited phone and similarly long-awaited "true" video iPod, although both products have seen several setbacks. Lastly, with OS 10.5 Leopard's release around the corner, Jobs will undoubtedly take the opportunity to highlight some already announced (and perhaps some remaining "top-secret") features of the new operating system.

    Digg This (

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  • zap2
    Apr 11, 01:12 AM
    7/11 run with the roommate!

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  • kdarling
    Oct 22, 08:00 PM
    The site does update the information. Zoom in and click on the "deadspots" The date reported is shown. I clicked on 25 for Verizon and 25 for AT&T they were all reported in 2008 or 2009.

    Cool. I'll have to see if there's a way to report a fixed dead spot. Just no time right now.

    Jan 13, 03:24 PM
    That's so childish. I hope somebody sue their asses off. Gizmondo did something like "" I don't know.

    Sep 12, 07:34 AM
    Even the Norwegian iTunes store is down...

    I didn't expect that, after the last couple of months controversies here... :confused:

    Apr 18, 01:10 PM
    They already misrepresent Islamic history in US schools. Saudi funded history books make it seem that Islam spread peacefully through the maghreb, arabian peninsula and levant/asia minor, but actually it was spread on the point of the Mohammedon's blade.

    Why not teach gay history too? At least gays don't perform violent acts and then use their scriptures to justify it lol

    Apr 11, 12:22 PM
    It'll be really cool if they release a free beta for a year or so like they did with W7. The W7 beta was very stable and knocked off a nice chunk of money from a new build (for a while anyway)

    Oct 11, 09:42 PM
    Jetson, I'm glad I'm taking your word, as someone who doesn't even own a 5G iPod, over my own, someone who sees 50-60 iPods a day. I couldn't possibly know better.

    The fact remains: The acrylic used on the 5G is the same as the 4G.

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